Dairyland Veterinary Service has the capabilities and expertise to diagnose and treat all bovine conditions and illnesses, whether due to infectious diseases, injuries, toxins, or feed related issues.

General Surgery (on farm)

The Dairyland Veterinary Service Clinic performs a full range of surgical procedures. We perform abdominal surgeries to correct displaced abomasums and other abnormalities in the gut as well as C-sections on animals having calving difficulties. We also perform rumen cannula surgeries, dehorning, castrations, and other procedures.

We have a vet on-call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies such as calving problems, injuries, and illness.

Establishing and Maintaining Vaccination Programs

Vaccination is an essential part of any infectious disease control program. It is most effective when planned to meet the particular needs of the individual farm. Setting up a program involves determining what diseases to vaccinate against, who will benefit most, and when the animal will most need the protection. The program must be scientifically correct and compatible with the management practices of the farm. To be successful it must be reviewed annually with your veterinarian to ensure that the vaccination protocol is providing adequate immunization. Click to see examples of a vaccine program, our animal injection protocol and vaccine handling guidelines.

Vaccination Program – Heifers
Vaccination Program – Cows
Animal Injection Protocol
Vaccine Handling

Establishing and Maintaining Reproduction Programs

With our knowledge of reproductive programs available, we will help fit the program that will optimize your facilities, labor availability, and herd reproductive goals. We will then help establish protocols and goals to ensure continued success of the program.

We look at items which reduce the profitability of farms, such as forced culling, low milk production, high SCC, lameness, and high disease incidence. Finding the causes of these problems and addressing them will greatly affect the profitability of the farm. Cow comfort, nutritional challenges, overcrowding, facility limitations, and management challenges are common problems limiting farm profitability

Dairy Improvements and Expansions

Issues such as building design, building improvements, stall design, air quality, barn location, feed center location, cow flow and comfort, and bio-security of purchased animals need to be addressed properly to allow for the best success of any farm improvements or dairy expansions.

Herd Management Protocols

Veterinarians at Dairyland Veterinary Service will create management protocols to fit the needs of your specific operation. Planning daily work schedules, designing treatment protocols, breeding programs, parasite control programs, and vaccination schedules is done to fit the need of a particular operation’s needs.

Ultrasound Reproductive Exams

Ultrasound provides earlier pregnancy diagnosis, more accurate management of the reproductive cycle, diagnosis of twins, and optional fetal sexing.

Goal Sheets

Our doctors can work with you to set goals and design a goal sheet specifically for your situation, tracking the information that will help you identify problem areas. Click to see a sample Goal Sheet and a data collection sample sheet that includes areas we can track.

Sample Goal Sheet
Data Collection Sample

On-farm milk culturing

While we can culture milk in-house, by culturing on the farm, dairies can quickly and inexpensively identify and address milk quality issues. Click to see a milk culture kit content sheet, milk culture record sample, common culture findings, and information on the use of intramammary mastitis tubes.

On-Farm culture kit contents
Intramammary Mastitis Tubes & Use
Common Culture Findings

Down cows

We can work with farms to establish a down cow protocol and conduct training. Click to see FAQ, Down cow manual, and a links concerning managing down cows and practical euthansia protocols.

Frequently Asked Questions
Down Cow Manual
Managing Down Cows, by Robert Leder,DVM
Practical Euthanasia of Cattle, American Association of Bovine Practitioners
Eutanasia Practica en Ganado Bovino, American Association of Bovine Practitioners

Nutrition Consulting and Formation

Wet Calf Record
Winter Feeding Schedule

For more clinical information and data collection tools for calves, follow this link to the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Veterinary Medicine publication page:


By comparing existing milk quality with goals, we can identify missed profits.  Click to see samples of a Financial Impact of Milk Quality Analysis and our Information Sheet.

Sample Financial Impact Analysis
Financial Impact Information Sheet

Embryo Transfer

Contact the office to discuss services provided with Dr. Mike Heiman.